MPAS Student Handbook

Sex & Gender-Based Misconduct Response & Prevention: Training

Chamberlain ensures that its Title IX personnel have adequate training. The Title IX Coordinator and Investigators are trained on the definition of Sexual Harassment, the scope of Chamberlain’s education Program or Activity, how to conduct an investigation, Chamberlain’s grievance process (including hearings, appeals and informal resolution processes, as applicable) and how to serve impartially by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest and bias. Decision-Makers are trained on the definition of Sexual Harassment, the live hearing process, technology to be used in live hearings and issues of relevance (including how to apply the rape shield protections provided for Complainants). Informal resolution facilitators are trained on the informal resolution process.

Materials used to train Title IX personnel are posted on Chamberlain’s website and may also be requested directly from the Title IX Coordinator.

In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”) and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (“VAWA”), Chamberlain will provide primary prevention and awareness programs to prevent Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking to incoming students and new Colleagues during their first semester.