Academic Catalog


Attendance Expectations

Attendance and participation are required within all classroom, lab, clinical instruction (including simulation), practice, practicum and fieldwork activities. Students must arrive on time and stay for the duration of the classroom or learning activity for synchronous course events, lab, and clinical experiences (including simulation, pre- and post-conference/briefing/assignment) in order to satisfy the clinical or lab hours for each course.

Students must successfully complete and satisfy the credit hour requirements, clinical expectations and course outcomes set forth in the course syllabi to achieve all regulatory requirements and obtain a grade of "satisfactory" for each clinical or lab course.

Site-based classes may require both classroom and online participation. A student in a site-based course who anticipates missing any class meetings should seek academic advising and contact the faculty or instructor as soon as possible.

Attendance Expectations - MPAS

A student who anticipates missing class meetings should contact the program and the course faculty as soon as possible. While attendance is not tracked in MPAS courses beyond the 3rd day, it is the expectation of the program that MPAS students will be in attendance in every class per the MPAS schedule.

Academic Events

An academic event for on-site courses is defined by attending scheduled class meetings. An academic event for online courses is defined by submitting a class assignment, participating in threaded discussions, or completing quizzes and exams or completing synchronous activities. An academic event for blended courses is defined by attending scheduled class meetings for the on-site component or by submitting a class assignment, participating in threaded discussions or completing quizzes and exams in the online component.1


F-1 student attendance for blended courses is defined as physically attending each on-site class meeting. Participation in an online academic event does not constitute as attendance for F-1 students. Withdrawal of course enrollment may lead to the F-1 student not maintaining the minimum full-time enrollment requirements and the student’s SEVIS record may be subject to termination.

Administrative Withdrawal & Request for Reinstatement

Attendance Taking Programs

For attendance taking programs, attendance is tracked for all eight weeks of the session on a course-by-course basis and is recorded daily based on academic events. A student who does not participate in a course for seven consecutive calendar days will be sent an impending attendance dismissal notice advising that they must attend within the next seven calendar days or will be withdrawn from the course. If the student is unable to attend within the next seven consecutive calendar days but wishes to remain in the course, a request may be submitted to the instructor within five calendar days from the date of the notification. A student may only request reinstatement after an attendance withdrawal once per course.  If the request for reinstatement is approved, the student must have an academic event recorded in the next seven calendar days in order to remain in the course. A student who has not attended for 14 consecutive calendar days and whose last date of attendance is on or prior to the Sunday of the fifth week of the session will be administratively withdrawn and receive a Withdrawal grade in the course, if they did not request reinstatement.

A student who has not attended for 14 consecutive calendar days and whose last date of attendance falls after the Sunday of the fifth week of the session will not be administratively withdrawn; however, according to federal regulations, may require a federal aid refund calculation to be performed. Students will be encouraged to participate in the course as they will be awarded a final grade. A student who does not attend during the first two weeks of class will be dropped from the course and is precluded from requesting reinstatement.

Attendance Taking for a Limited Period of Time Programs1

For programs where attendance is tracked for a limited period of time, attendance will be monitored daily during the first three days of each course on the basis of any recorded academic event type to determine whether the student attended at least once, and thus can be considered to have begun instruction in that course. Chamberlain does not continue to monitor attendance for these students after the third day of each course.

A student who does not participate in the first day of a course will be sent an impending attendance dismissal notice advising that the student must attend within the next two calendar days or will be dropped from the course. A student who does not attend within the first three consecutive calendar days of class will be dropped from the course and is precluded from requesting reinstatement. The student will be dropped from any future enrollments during the current session and future sessions and will be subject to standards of academic progress. See the Standards of Academic Progress section of this academic catalog for more information.


For the competency-based course UNIV-101 University Seminar, attendance will be monitored for tracking of the last date of attendance only.

Last Date of Attendance

With the exception of programs where attendance is monitored for a limited period of time, all types of academic events as identified in the Academic Events section of the catalog are documented for all eight weeks of the session. In the event of a student withdrawal, the date of the latest recorded academic event will be used to define the withdrawal date for the purpose of determining eligible refund amounts as well as any applicable amounts of earned and unearned financial aid.

For students who withdraw from a program with limited attendance tracking, all academic events tracked during the first 3 days of each course will be used to determine an appropriate last date of attendance. After the attendance taking period, the last date of attendance will be determined on the basis of the latest recorded academic event as described in the Academic Events section of the catalog.

Student Attestation of Identity

At this time, all Chamberlain University students are required to attest (acknowledge) their understanding of these policies through an attestation quiz within the Canvas LMS. The Student Attestation is provided in each course every session. Faculty will monitor for completion of the Student Attestation and will encourage completion. Students will not be withdrawn from the course for failure to complete the Student Attestation.

Laboratory Class

Lab time is utilized to practice and master skills and to help students apply theory to practice to meet criteria that demonstrate completion of course outcomes. Demonstration of the ability to apply and practice scientific knowledge, nursing skills, and/or required competencies must be performed satisfactorily to pass the lab component of the course (see course shell and skills return demonstration forms for criteria).

Student Virtual Learning Expectations

Students participating in a scheduled virtual class, clinical, or lab are required to uphold all regular student conduct and Attendance Policy. If the virtual experience is clinical learning, students are required to be in complete Chamberlain uniform as outlined within the Student Handbook. When live video cameras are utilized, they must be professional, including but not limited to surroundings and language usage (i.e., students should not be engaged in other activities while in a scheduled virtual class, clinical, or lab).