CON Student Handbook

Crime Awareness & Campus Security Act

The security of all school members is a priority. Each year on October 1, as required by the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 as amended, Chamberlain University publishes a report outlining security and safety information, as well as crime statistics for the community. This report provides suggestions about crime-prevention strategies as well as important policy information on emergency procedures, reporting of crimes and support services for victims of sexual assault. The report also contains information about Chamberlain University's policy on alcohol and drugs and informs students where to obtain a copy of the alcohol and drug policy. This report is available at or from the Director of Admission.

Students should immediately report incidents to the local law enforcement agency if they witness or are victims to a crime. Emergency numbers are located throughout the University. The Facilities Department maintains the building and grounds with a concern for safety and security. Facilities staff inspect the facility regularly, promptly make repairs affecting safety and security hazards and respond to reports of potential safety and security hazards, such as broken windows, locks, etc. Additionally, the facilities manager routinely inspects the grounds and building to review lighting and other environmental concerns for safety. When the building is closed, it is locked and monitored by a security company.

There are fire alarms and pull stations throughout the facility that should be used only in the event of an emergency. If an emergency requires evacuation, there are signs clearly posted throughout the building indicating the best routes for evacuation.

Access to classrooms and laboratories is limited to those enrolled in the courses meeting there. Access to on- and off-campus activities is limited to actively enrolled students and their guests. Students are responsible for the behavior of their guests at all times at campus-arranged events. Chamberlain University reserves the right to require that student identification cards be presented for admittance to certain locations and events. Students should register their guests with Student Services prior to attendance. Student and staff identification cards should be worn at all times.

The uniformed guard must be called to respond to emergencies and has the authority to ask questions and request identification at any time. Criminal incidents will be referred to local law enforcement. All crime victims and witnesses are strongly encouraged to report incidents to both campus security and local police. Prompt reporting will ensure timely warning notices to the campus community and timely disclosure of crime statistics.

Campus Safety & Security

A truly safe campus can only be achieved through the cooperation of students, faculty and staff. As members of this academic community, students must report crimes, suspicious activities or other emergencies on campus to the appropriate University official (e.g., Campus Security, Student Services or the Campus President). In the event a student, while on campus, becomes ill, experiences a medical emergency or is injured, the procedures contained within the Chamberlain Safe App are followed. Students should immediately notify a campus colleague for assistance regarding any sudden illness, medical emergency or injury. Students who witness or are victims of a crime affecting the Chamberlain community should immediately report the incident to local law enforcement in the community, in which the campus is located, and to the student services office or to the chief location administrator. Chamberlain will investigate such crimes and, when appropriate, bring them to the attention of the conduct administrator and other Chamberlain officials, such as the Title IX Coordinator.

The University will take appropriate administrative action to protect the community. Student behavior that causes campus safety or security concerns will typically be addressed pursuant to the Interim Suspension provisions of the professional conduct policy. Accordingly, immediate suspension and eventual expulsion may result for students who:

  • Unlawfully possess, sell or otherwise furnish a firearm
  • Brandish a knife at another person
  • Sell a controlled substance
  • Commit or attempt to commit a sexual assault or sexual battery
  • Possess an explosive
  • Cause serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense
  • Possess any knife or other dangerous object of no reasonable use
  • Unlawfully possess any controlled substance
  • Commit robbery or extortion
  • Commit assault or battery

Nothing in this policy should be construed as limiting or preventing the University’s discretion to take other action which, in the University’s sole discretion is necessary or advisable to promote campus safety and security. Chamberlain takes seriously any threats made to cause harm to others or to oneself. Threats to harm others will be handled through the professional conduct process and may involve an interim suspension and/or the engagement of law enforcement officials until conduct proceedings are completed. In the case of threats to harm oneself, the University may call local law enforcement officials or other persons acquainted with the person making the threat for the purposes of checking on that person’s welfare. The University may also work with the person to determine available resources and appropriate next steps.

Chamberlain University reserves the right to place security camera video surveillance on campus where necessary and appropriate. Chamberlain University respects the right to privacy of the university community members and balances the right to privacy versus the safety needs of the campus community.