CHP Student Handbook

Social Networking Policy

As a student, you can play an integral role in Chamberlain University’s social media outreach. We encourage you to join our groups, participate in conversations and share your positive experiences with others. It’s important to remember that as a Chamberlain student, you have certain responsibilities when posting in social networks, even if they are personal and private. We’ve assembled these guidelines to help you use social media effectively, protect your personal and professional reputation and follow the policies of Chamberlain and its parent company, Adtalem Global Education (collectively, “Chamberlain”).

Chamberlain University’s intent for having a presence in social media is to facilitate connections between its audiences and to enable rapid response messaging in these emerging platforms. Chamberlain University retains the sole right to approve and publish all web pages and social media pages containing information about its educational programs, services and activities undertaken on its behalf by the student government association, recognized student organizations and alumni.

Student Web Pages

Student groups or individual student Web pages on any social media platform, such as YouTube, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, forums or blogs are not under Chamberlain University’s purview. Therefore, they may not be used to promote, voice an opinion of or recruit for Chamberlain University in any way. Students must adhere to the Code of Conduct when they engage in social media and mention Chamberlain University. What applies as appropriate conduct on campus or in online course shells also applies to conduct on social media platforms.

Chamberlain University’s intellectual property, including its trademarks, copyrights, logos, and brands, is the exclusive property of Adtalem Global Education. It is not to appear on individual or student group Web pages or be used by individuals to promote themselves or their ideas and activities without prior written approval.

Student groups who utilize any Chamberlain University intellectual property on their social media pages without prior written approval will be required to remove them immediately.

Student Responsibilities

It is important that all students understand their responsibilities when using social media. Students can have no reasonable expectation of privacy in material that they choose to place online or enter or send through resources provided by Chamberlain.

Students must recognize that they are responsible for anything they write or present online and that they may be subject to legal or Code of Conduct proceedings by Chamberlain University and/or others (including other students, colleagues and third parties) based on what they write or present online.

Responsible behavior is expected of all Chamberlain students when they participate in or partake of social media or blogging. Students’ communications, regardless of format, must conform to the Code of Conduct. It is not the goal of the University to actively monitor all student communications; however, should the University become aware of inappropriate behavior that may violate the Code of Conduct, the behavior may be investigated and addressed per the University’s disciplinary procedures outlined in the Code. Such behavior includes but is not limited to, posting or communication of content that is obscene, defamatory, threatening, infringing of intellectual property rights or otherwise illegal, inappropriate, or injurious.

General Rules of Social Media Engagement

To foster this communication in an appropriate way, Chamberlain University expects all students to adhere to the following principles of social media engagement:

Your honesty – or dishonesty – will be quickly noticed in the social media environment. If you are blogging about your experiences at Chamberlain University, use your real name, identify your relationship with Chamberlain University and be clear about your role. If you have a vested interest in something you are discussing, be the first to point it out.

Be Judicious. Always use your best judgment and make sure your efforts are transparent by using the following rules for external speech relating to Chamberlain University and Adtalem:

  • Ask permission to publish or report on conversations that are meant to be private or internal to Chamberlain University or Adtalem, including conversations with individual students and Adtalem or Chamberlain University colleagues.
  • All statements regarding Chamberlain University and Adtalem must be true and not misleading, and all claims must be substantiated and approved.

Write what you know. Make sure you write and post about your areas of expertise, especially as related to Chamberlain University and our degree programs. If you are writing about a topic with which Chamberlain is involved but about which you are not the expert, you should make this clear to your readers. Also, always write in the first person. If you publish to a website or blog outside the control of Chamberlain University, you must use the following disclaimer: “The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent Chamberlain University’s positions, strategies or opinions.”

Think before you post. Students should keep in mind that what is written and posted in electronic formats on the Internet, instant messaging, email, or social networks is easily accessible to all and will be in existence virtually forever. This means postings and other communications may be viewed by administrators of Chamberlain University, potential employers, and scholarship boards. If there is something you would not want everyone to know about you, do not post it online.

Be sure the image you are presenting today as a college student is what you feel is in the best interest of your career. It is common for employers and recruiters to view popular social networking websites and other Internet sources to which students may post personal information. Your Internet postings and communications may thus directly affect your career.

Protect yourself. Personal information can be shared over the Internet with more people and at a faster rate than ever before; accordingly, be careful about what you share. Protect your personal information to avoid being a victim of sexual assault, stalking, identity theft or burglary.

Social Media Policy for Students in the Clinical Setting

Students have an ethical and legal obligation to maintain patient privacy and confidentiality at all times. The following requirements are intended to minimize the risks of using social media:

  • Students are strictly prohibited from transmitting by way of any electronic media any patient-related image information that may be reasonably anticipated to violate patient rights to confidentiality or privacy or otherwise degrade or embarrass the patient. Limiting access to postings through privacy settings is not sufficient to ensure privacy.
  • Students must not refer to patients in a disparaging manner, even if the patient is not identified.
  • Students must not take photos or videos of patients on personal devices, including cell phones. Students should follow the clinical agency’s policy for taking photographs or videos of patients for treatment or other legitimate purposes using devices provided by the clinical agency.
  • Students must maintain professional boundaries in the use of electronic media. Like in-person relationships, the student has an obligation to establish, communicate and enforce professional boundaries with patients in the online environment. Use caution when having online social contact with patients or former patients. Online contact with patients or former patients blurs the distinction between a professional and personal relationship. The fact that a patient may initiate contact with the student does not permit the student to engage in a personal relationship with the patient.
  • Students must promptly report any identified breach of confidentiality or privacy.
  • Students must not post content or otherwise speak on behalf of the clinical/practicum site unless authorized to do so and must follow all applicable policies of the clinical/practicum site.