MPAS Student Handbook

Student Employment - MPAS

The Chamberlain Master of Physician Assistant Studies degree program (MPAS) does not permit its students to work (paid or voluntary) for the MPAS program. Students may not accept compensation for any services provided during supervised clinical experiences.

Enrollment in the program is a full-time commitment and the MPAS program strongly discourages students from being employed while enrolled. While the program does not encourage students to work during the didactic or clinical years of the program, the program does not prevent students from obtaining outside employment. The program makes no exceptions or adjustments to required course work, scheduling or rotation assignments for individual students due to employment. Employment status while in the program will not be used to excuse absence from scheduled learning activities, justify poor performance, or be considered as a mitigating factor when assessing students’ academic and professional progress.

Students who are involved in or commence volunteer or paid work during the MPAS program cannot use their affiliation with the program in any aspect of that job. Work outside the MPAS program undertaken by the student, independent of the program, is not covered by the liability offered for clinical work associated with the educational experience and students may not represent themselves as Chamberlain University students.