Academic Catalog

Nursing Certificate Programs

Note: Program/program option availability varies by state/location.

Note: National certification exams are available to graduates in select specialities.


The NP programs require on-site clinical practicum and on-site immersion and intensive reviews.

Nursing Certificate Programs Overview

Chamberlain Certificate Programs are designed to provide a pathway into beginning advanced practice for nurses who already have a baccalaureate degree and to provide a pathway into new areas of specialization for nurses who already have a master's degree in nursing. Chamberlain Certificate Programs are responsive to the call for nurses to be prepared in content areas critical to the future of the profession. Students in the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate program choose to complete courses currently provided in Chamberlain’s Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program while students in the Graduate Certificate Programs choose to complete the specialty track courses currently provided in the MSN degree program.

In this manner, the Certificate Programs offer access to the same courses, content, instruction and assessment provided to students who are pursuing a MSN degree, but with a specialty concentration.

Students must declare intent to pursue a certificate when completing the admissions application. Students earn a certificate by completing the required courses with a CGPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 point scale and by complying with the academic policies of the MSN degree program, which can be found in the current academic catalog.