Academic Catalog

Grade Designation

Grade Designation Definition
W Withdrawal After Start of Class (General Education)
WP1 Withdrawal Passing
WF1 Withdrawal Failing
AU Audit
I Incomplete
RM Remediation
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
T "T" proceeded by a letter grade indicates transfer credit
IP In Progress
H Hold2

Effective January 2017


"H" in use beginning March 2020


A student may officially withdraw from a course prior to the withdrawal deadline. It is the student's responsibility to notify their academic support advisor if they wish to withdraw from a course(s). A Withdrawal is recorded when the student withdraws after the drop period but prior to the last day to withdraw from the course.1 For students in the MPAS degree program, the deadline to withdraw from a course is the day before the last day of the course. Students in the MPAS degree program whose Withdrawal is due to a sudden, significant change in personal circumstances or health may be considered for an approved Leave of Absence (see the Leave of Absence section of this academic catalog). A Withdrawal Failing (“WF”) grade is recorded for graduate nursing and physician assistant studies courses when the student is failing the course at the time the withdrawal is requested. Hold ("H") grade designators may be awarded to students who were not able to complete a course. These credits do not count toward earned hours for rate of progress, maximum timeframe or grade point average calculations. If a student participates in the course after a request for withdrawal has been submitted, the request to withdraw will be voided and the student will remain enrolled in the course. A reduction in enrolled hours may affect financial aid eligibility and/or awards. Students who withdraw from a course will be considered for a tuition refund under the tuition refund policy. Students completely withdrawing from the institution, even during the drop period, will receive a Withdrawal grade in the course(s) and will be dropped from all future registrations. For purposes of evaluating satisfactory academic progress [excluding Hold ("H") grade designators], a withdrawn course is counted in attempted hours but is not used in any GPA calculations. A withdrawal from a course may impact academic standing.

Students who withdraw from a course should be aware that re-enrollment in that same course in a future session is subject to availability.  A student who has failed the clinical or lab component of a graduate nursing course by the withdrawal deadline will be awarded a grade of Withdrawal Failing ("WF")2.

Please see the Academic Calendar to determine the last day to withdraw from a course at


Prior to November 2024, a Withdrawal Passing ("WP") grade is recorded for science, nursing, and health professions courses wen the student is passing the course at the time the withdrawal is requested.


Prior to November 2024, a student who has failed the clinical or lab component of a nursing course by the withdrawal deadline, or who has failed all allowed attempts of the medication calculation examination, will be administratively withdrawn and awarded a grade of Withdrawal Failing (“WF”)

Course Audit

A course audit refers to the completion of a course study for which no assessment of the performance of the student is made nor grade awarded.  Students who wish to audit a lecture component of a course must receive approval from the academic dean or approved designee prior to the beginning of the session. Tuition is charged for audited courses; however, financial aid may not be applied. Thus, changing to audit status may affect financial aid awards. Audited courses are not counted toward degree requirements. Evaluation, class participation and attendance are not required. Not all courses are eligible for audit status. The ability to audit a course is contingent upon seat availability. Students who have audited a course may not subsequently take the course for credit.


A student faced with extenuating circumstances after they have successfully completed 75 percent of a course may request a grade of Incomplete (I). If the instructor approves the request, an Incomplete Grade Form will be signed by both the instructor and the student. Incompletes must be resolved by Friday of the sixth week after the end of the course, unless otherwise specified in the Incomplete Grade Request. A grade will be computed at the time the deadline expires. A student should attend through the end of the course, even when a grade of an “I” will be issued. Failure to attend through the end of the course may result in a federal refund calculation.

For purposes of evaluating satisfactory academic progress, grades of “I” are counted in attempted hours but are not used in any GPA calculations. When the “I” is converted to a final grade for the course, the grade is applied to the session in which the student took the course. The GPA and academic standing are recalculated for that session. The final grade for the course may impact the academic standing. If the recalculation of academic standing results in an academic dismissal, the student is no longer eligible for Title IV HEA program funds. If the student is enrolled after an incomplete results in an academic dismissal, the student is not eligible to receive Title IV aid for those credit hours. For currently enrolled courses, if the incomplete is not resolved by Friday of the sixth week after the end of the course, or if the incomplete results in an academic dismissal, the student will be dropped and tuition will be reversed. Please note any bookstore return deadlines may impact student’s ability to return books and supplies. When necessary a federal refund calculation will be performed.

In addition, a student who has been dismissed for failing to meet standards of academic progress may appeal for reinstatement. Due to the potential impact of an incomplete grade on academic progression and financial aid status, it is highly recommended that an academic support advisor is consulted prior to making this request. For more information on academic standards and financial aid status, please contact your academic support advisor.

A grade of "I" in a prerequisite course does not satisfy the course requirement; thus, the student is administratively dropped from any course for which the prerequisite course was required. A reduction in enrollment hours may affect financial aid eligibility and/or awards. A degree cannot be conferred until all incomplete coursework has been graded. When a grade of "I" is changed to a letter grade that results in the completion of graduation requirements for a student, the degree will be awarded on the official conferral date immediately following the change of the incomplete grade to a letter grade.

MPAS Remediation

Students offered an Extended Learning Contract for a course/clerkship will be placed in a remediation enrollment status and will not be awarded a final grade until completion of remediation steps. The grade designator will appear as "RM" (Remediation) on the transcript until the final grade is calculated. Courses with this grade designation are included in attempted hours but are not included in the GPA calculation.

Course Repeat Policy

Undergraduate and graduate students should be aware that repeated coursework may impact a student’s veterans’ educational benefits and ability to qualify for Title IV funding. Contact Student Finance Advising for more information.1

If a student fails any course, then the student must repeat the course. Once a repeated course is successfully passed, the GPA for the term the course was initially taken will recalculate; however, the academic standing will not be adjusted. For coursework completed in September 2020 or after, the grade for a repeated course will have an “E” for exclude beside it and the original grade will not be counted in additional academic standing.2 If the second attempt results in the same failing grade, the second failure is excluded from the term and CGPA calculations but may impact academic standing for coursework completed prior to September 2020. If the second attempt results in the same failing grade, the first failure is excluded and second failure is included in the term and CGPA calculations and may impact academic standing for coursework completed in September 2020 or later.

Students may be allowed to repeat a passed course in order to improve their GPA or to meet re-entry requirements. The highest grade is computed in the credit hours completed and CGPA for coursework completed prior to September 2020. The most recent attempt is computed in the credit hours completed and CGPA for coursework completed in September 2020 or later. Once a degree has been conferred, courses applicable to that degree cannot be repeated to improve the program CGPA.    


Prior to November 2024, if a grade below a "C" is earned in any component of a nursing, science or health professions course, or if a grade below a "C-" is earned in a physician assistant course, or if a grade below a "D" is earned in a non-science general education course, then, the student must repeat the course.


Effective November 2024