CON Student Handbook

Clinical Learning Evaluation

Pre-Licensure Students Only

Chamberlain University is committed to graduating extraordinary nurses. Clinical learning evaluations are utilized in each lab and clinical course and are ongoing, with weekly formative evaluations and a summative evaluation performed mid and end of session. The purpose of this evaluation is to monitor and document student clinical learning performance and to provide timely and consistent feedback to all students throughout their course. Students are required to take an active role in their own evaluation by completing a self-evaluation of their clinical learning performance. It is completed and signed by both parties. Students must meet the clinical learning competencies, clinical/lab credit hours (absence and/or tardy result in an unsatisfactory should an approved makeup not be fulfilled), course outcomes and performance descriptors, as well as maintain safe nursing practices while in the clinical learning setting, to earn a rating of satisfactory for the clinical/laboratory component of the course. If a student has three or more unsatisfactory performances during one session, this will result in an unsatisfactory for the clinical or laboratory component of the course, resulting in course failure. Faculty will review the clinical learning evaluation with students during clinical learning orientation.