Academic Catalog

Student Complaint/Grievance Policy

This policy outlines the process for investigating and addressing complaints to Chamberlain from students about any component of their experience at Chamberlain in which the student feels they have been treated unfairly. Because no policy is one-size-fits-all, though, Chamberlain reserves the right to deviate from this policy if the circumstances of a particular complaint or investigation call for additional flexibility.

Informal Complaint/Grievance Process

In most cases, students must first attempt to resolve their concerns orally or in writing with the individual(s) most directly connected to the student’s complaint.

If the student is not comfortable discussing the matter with the individual(s) most directly involved, the student may take their informal complaint to a liaison not directly involved, such as the academic support advising manager or the immediate supervisor of the individual(s) the complaint is involving.

Unlike in formal procedures, a student pursuing informal resolution of their complaint usually is not required to submit a written complaint to initiate the process. Under these informal procedures, the student may, at any time, elect to stop further action by withdrawing the complaint, subject to the confidentiality provisions noted below and with the understanding that, depending on the nature of the allegations, Chamberlain may be obligated to investigate the complaint with or without the student’s involvement.

Complaints addressed informally may not be investigated at all or to the same degree as formal complaints. Mediation may be used as a method for resolving the complaint informally, but not all complaints are appropriate for mediation; for example, allegations of sexual assault are not appropriate for mediation.

Adopting informal procedures for addressing complaints does not mean that the institution does not take these complaints seriously. Informal procedures simply provide an alternative method for addressing complaints. The student can also decide to file a formal complaint as described below at any time.

Formal Complaint/Grievance Process

If the informal procedure or direct conversation is not appropriate, or does not yield a successful resolution, the student can file a formal complaint to the complaint administrator. For pre-licensure students, the complaint administrator is typically the dean of academic affairs. For post-licensure nursing and graduate students, the complaint administrator is the program or specialty track dean. Complaints regarding sexual misconduct including sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and rape or acquaintance rape may be reported directly to the Title IX Coordinator.

  1. When to File a Complaint
    Complaints should be filed by the student as soon as possible so that they can be addressed contemporaneously by Chamberlain. In most cases, Chamberlain will expect the student to come forward within 15 business days of the student becoming aware of the concern or the student’s last conversation in the informal process.
  2. What to File
    A formal complaint should be in writing and include the following:
    • The student’s name, Student ID (D#) number email address and phone number.
    • A complete description of the concern/issue – including date, location and all individuals involved, either in the conduct complained of or as witnesses.
    • A description of what efforts, if any, have been made to resolve the issue informally, including individuals contacted by the student in the resolution attempt.
    • A statement of the resolution requested.

      If a student is hesitant or unwilling to put a complaint alleging discrimination, harassment (including sexual misconduct) or other unlawful conduct in writing, the student is encouraged to discuss their concerns with the complaint administrator.

      Similarly, if a student feels that changes to academic or other situations are appropriate or necessary to preserve the student’s safety or wellbeing as a result of the circumstances involved in a complaint, the student is encouraged to request assistance from the complaint administrator.

      For more information on the complaint process or to receive the complaint administrator’s contact information, the student should contact Academic Support Advising.
  3. Where to File Complaint
    The complaint should be filed with the complaint administrator at the location the student is attending. The written complaint can be submitted electronically, in person, or by mail. In cases where the complaint administrator is directly involved in the concern, an alternate point of contact will be provided by an academic support advisor. If the student does not know who the complaint administrator for their location is, they should contact an academic support advisor.

    Campus-based students may contact an academic support advisor for assistance.

    Online-based students may contact Academic Support Advising by phone at 888.556.8226, or by email at [email protected].
  4. Notice of Receipt
    Upon receipt of the formal complaint, the complaint administrator will provide the student with a written notice acknowledging its receipt and will review the complaint.
  5. Investigation
    The complaint administrator or their designee will initiate an investigation. The extent and components of the investigation will vary depending on the allegations and circumstances. For purposes of illustration, an investigation may include the following steps, as appropriate:
    • Reviewing the student’s written complaint.
    • Gathering additional information or statements from the student as needed.
    • Gathering information from any witnesses or other people (for example faculty, staff or other students) with potentially relevant information.
    • Reviewing relevant documentation and policies.
    • Obtaining a response or written statement and other information from the individual(s) who is/are the subject of the student’s complaint.
    • Attempting a resolution of the complaint between the student and the individual, if appropriate.
    • Convening a panel to review as appropriate.
    • Assessing the information gathered and determining findings and resolution for the student.

Complaints initiated through the formal process may be withdrawn by the student, subject to the confidentiality provisions noted below and with the understanding that, depending on the nature of the allegations, Chamberlain may be obligated to investigate the complaint with or without the student’s involvement.

6. Findings and Notification
Upon completion of the investigation, the complaint administrator will report the findings of the investigation and resolution to the student. It is Chamberlain’s goal to conduct an appropriate investigation and report back to the student in a timely manner, usually within 15 days of receipt of the complaint. The circumstances in particular cases may make a shorter or longer investigation necessary or appropriate.

7. Appeal
Within 10 calendar days of the issuance of the final report, the student may appeal to the online or campus leader or their designee. Appeals must be submitted in writing and must state a basis for the appeal. Basis on which a student may appeal are:

  • There is new evidence that was unavailable at the time of the original investigation that would affect the outcome of the original decision.
  • There were procedural irregularities in the complaint process that affected the outcome.
  • The proposed resolution was not reasonable based on the evidence compiled during the investigation.

A copy of the leader’s or designee’s written decision on the appeal shall be sent to the student in a timely manner. If the appeal decision requires further action, that action should be described in the appeal decision letter. The decision of the leader or designee on the appeal is final.

Students not satisfied with the final disposition of the complaint process may contact the state licensing authority, the University's accreditors or the state attorney general. A complete listing of contact information for state licensing authorities and the state attorney general offices is located at

Arizona residents enrolled at a campus:

Students with complaints not resolved by the above procedure may file complaints with the

Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education 
1740 W. Adams Street, Suite 3008
Phoenix, AZ 85007

Georgia residents enrolled at a campus:

Students with complaints not resolved by the above proceduremay file complaints with the

Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission
2082 East Exchange Place, Suite 220
Tucker, GA 30084

Florida residents enrolled at a campus:

As a last resort in the complaint process outlined in the academic catalog, students who do not believe they received a satisfactory resolution to their grievance may contact the Commission at, by fax at 850.245.3238, or by mail to:

Commission for Independent Education
Florida Department of Education
325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Toll free number: 888.224.6684

Texas residents enrolled at a campus:

Students with complaints not resolved by the above procedure may file complaints with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (, Rules governing student complaints in Texas can be found at$ext.ViewTAC? tac_view=5&ti=19&pt=1&ch=1&sch=E&rl=Y

Virginia residents enrolled at a campus:

As a last resort in the complaint process, students who do not believe they received a satisfactory resolution to their grievance may contact the:

State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV)
Attn: Private and Out-of-State Postsecondary Education
101 N. 14th St.
James Monroe Bldg.
Richmond, VA 23219

The Virginia State Approving Agency (SAA) is the approving authority of education and training programs for Virginia. Our office investigates complaints of GI Bill ® beneficiaries. While most complaints should initially follow the school grievance policy, if the situation cannot be resolved at the school, the beneficiary should contact our office via email [email protected]. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

For District of Columbia residents enrolled in an online program:

Unresolved complaints may be reported to the District of Columbia Higher Education Licensure Commission online at or by mail to:

1050 First Street, NE  5th Floor
Washington, DC 20002.

For Illinois residents and students enrolled in an online program:

Unresolved complaints may be reported to the Illinois Board of Higher Education through the online complaint system or by mail to:

1 N. Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 333
Springfield, IL 62701-1377.