CHP Student Handbook

Interaction with Faculty and Administration

Healthcare Requires a Different Way of Learning

Learning in healthcare requires knowledge and understanding of the human condition and application of this knowledge to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. Healthcare professionals are required to use their intellect and practical skills to respond to the needs of people dealing with health challenges and conditions. This is true of all levels of preparation for practice. Chamberlain University education has been designed to prepare you with the knowledge and competencies to respond effectively to the needs of those you serve.

The education we provide at Chamberlain University fosters the type of learning we think best prepares you for a successful future in healthcare. We believe that learning occurs best in environments where faculty and students work together for deep learning which prepares students for the critical role they play in healthcare. This involves three important intellectual capacities upon which you are evaluated: analysis, synthesis and application. These are described below:

  • Analysis – Breaking down the whole and understanding the individual components and how they interact and impact each other
  • Synthesis – Collating and combining information from a variety of sources to make a comprehensive, clinically-proficient decision
  • Application – Taking information and applying it to the unique and specific situation confronting you

Your faculty will provide you with all the resources and support you need to develop your abilities to analyze, synthesize and apply knowledge in the health professions.

Interaction with Faculty & Administration

The faculty, administration and colleagues of Chamberlain University are committed to supporting student success. The administration and faculty make every effort to maintain open communication with students so that students may actively participate in their education. Take the opportunity to meet with your faculty and talk about your education goals as well as those challenges that impact your learning. There are a variety of ways that you can communicate with the faculty and academic leaders. These include office hours onsite and online. What is most important is that you reach out and take advantage of all the opportunities you have for communication and support. We welcome your participation with us in creating the best possible learning environment for your success.

Students are provided with an array of resources and coaching to support their academic success. Faculty and staff are dedicated to serving you through these programs. Graduate students will benefit from the Student Success Strategies offered online. These resources are vital components of Chamberlain Care®.