Professional Conduct Violation Procedures
- A member of the Chamberlain University community may file a complaint against a student for misconduct. A complaint shall be in writing and directed to the conduct administrator or designee. A complaint should be submitted as soon as possible after the event takes place. While anonymous complaints are permitted, this may limit the ability to thoroughly investigate the incident.
- Upon receipt of the written complaint, the conduct administrator or designee may conduct a review and determine if the complaint can be resolved by mutual consent of parties involved. If a complaint cannot be resolved by mutual consent, the conduct administrator or designee may dismiss the case, issue a non-disciplinary counseling letter, or refer the case through the administrative review or hearing process, as appropriate.
- As part of an investigation related to assessments, the student may be required to arrange transfer/sharing of the log files for the associated assessment. This will require the student to arrange a time with a support member to transfer/share the log files that are located on the student’s personal device.
Administrative Review
Once a case is referred through the administrative review process, the student will be informed of the charges and given the opportunity to deny or admit the charges. If the student denies the charges, in part or in full, a hearing will be held before the Professional Review Committee. If a student admits to the charges and waives their right to a hearing, the conduct administrator or designee generally will issue the sanction(s). Admitting to the charges does not preclude a student from appealing the sanction(s). Generally, students who admit to the charges will not have a hearing before the Professional Review Committee unless deemed necessary by the conduct administrator or designee. If the conduct administrator or designee finds that a hearing is necessary for the purpose of determining the sanction(s) to be issued, a hearing will be held before the Professional Review Committee which will recommend sanction(s) to the conduct administrator or designee.
Students who do not admit to the charges will be given the opportunity to attend a hearing before the Professional Review Committee. The Professional Review Committee is comprised of faculty representatives and approved corresponding staff representatives. No students serve on the Committee. If a student does not attend the hearing, the decision will be made by the Committee based on the information available at that time. The Committee will make a determination whether it is more likely than not that a violation occurred and will issue sanctions as deemed appropriate.
Students have a right to:
- Bring an advisor of their choice and at their own expense to the hearing. The advisor may be an attorney. The advisor may not speak on behalf of the student or answer any questions on behalf of the student during the hearing. The name of the advisor and the advisor’s relationship to the student must be provided to the conduct administrator or designee at least one business day prior to the hearing. At the discretion of the conduct administrator or designee, the hearing may proceed without the advisor if the attendance of the advisor delays the hearing.
- Be notified of the names of the Committee members in advance of the hearing. If a conflict of interest is present, a request for a replacement Committee member can be made prior to the hearing to the conduct administrator or designee.
- Submit questions for the Committee to ask any party who will be interviewed as part of the hearing. The conduct administrator or designee has the authority to determine whether the questions are relevant and appropriate. The student is not permitted to question a witness directly.
- Present information and witnesses to the Professional Review Committee. The conduct administrator or designee should be made aware of any witnesses at least two (2) business days prior to the hearing. Only witnesses who have relevant information pertinent to the case will be interviewed by the Committee or allowed to provide a written statement for the Committee’s consideration.
- Review any written information prior to the hearing which will be presented to the Professional Review Committee. The conduct administrator or designee may redact information as required by state or federal law or to protect confidential or private information.
- Have a limited right to confidentiality in that only individuals who must know the facts of the case to assist in the resolution will be made aware of information pertaining to the case. Additionally, information may be shared with other parties, such as law enforcement as required by local, state, or federal laws.
Interim Suspension
In certain circumstances, the University may impose an interim suspension on a student prior to the hearing or administrative review.
- Interim suspension may be imposed:
- To ensure the safety and well-being of members of the Chamberlain University community or preservation of Chamberlain University’s property; or
- If the University deems that the student poses a threat of disruption of or interference with the normal operation of the University
- During the interim suspension, the respondent may be denied access to Chamberlain University premises (including online and on-site classes) and/or all other Chamberlain University activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible, as the University may determine to be appropriate.
Student Responsibilities
Students have the following responsibilities:
- Represent themselves in a truthful, professional and ethical manner when responding to allegations. Providing false or misleading information may result in a violation of the professional conduct policy.
- Respond in a timely manner to requests for information, including but not limited to:
- Presenting witnesses
- Providing a statement or additional information to the Committee
- Accepting or denying charges
- To not engage in retaliatory behavior. Engaging in such behavior is a violation of the Professional Conduct Policy.